That’s going to be part of the Park retail and dining district.
]]>Thanks for your thoughts and I think you’re right to ask those questions. That’s a lot of people in a relatively small space, with relatively few ways in and out. When that area is gridlocked (as it was during EDC), it can take hours for things to loosen up. This is not going to play well with locals, at all. Maybe they’re figuring on most of the business coming from walk-ins from MGM, NY-NY and Monte Carlo, but 20k people is a lot of people! Guess we’ll see!
]]>It’s already tough to get a seat at NFI or the Bar at Times Square on a w/e night as it is. Sure the “Park” will absorb some of that rush with the new places that will open up out there, but man, on a Friday night with a (potential) sold out hockey game? Woof.
Both MC and NYNY are fairly “compact” in terms of casino space. Could end up being a zoo in the spring. Hopefully will still be a fun zoo. Wouldn’t be surprised to see room rates go WAY up, either.
I’m staying at NYNY next month and it’s always my traditional Xmas resort. Guess I better enjoy it while it’s (not so) hot.