Cowgirl Up Cantina Opens at Binion’s
As we were the very first to report, via Twitter, the Cowgirl Up Cantina outdoor bar at Binion’s has opened.

The new Cowgirl Up Cantina is so-named because it sits just a few feet away from the Cowgirl Pit at Binion’s, featuring dealers dressed as (wait for it) cowgirls. Not real cowgirls. Cowgirls as they would be dressed by casino executives, but you get the idea.

Update: A few days after Cowgirl Up Cantina opened, these sweet saddle bar stools were installed.

The Cowgirl Up Cantina follows on the heels of a newly-renovated Binion’s Cafe (see below) and an upgrade of the casino’s carpeting, among other improvements.

Binion’s is one of our favorite places to drink, eat, drink, gambling and get our free photo taken with a million dollars cash. We sometimes also have a drink there.
Here are some photos of the revamped Binion’s Cafe, including its awesome burger, easily one of the best in Las Vegas.
Renovated Binion's Cafe
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