15 Las Vegas Hotel Photos Guaranteed to Result in Crushing Disappointment
Las Vegas does a lot of things well, and marketing tends to be one of them. In some cases, though, Las Vegas hotels just blow it. The photos used to advertise Las Vegas hotels and their amenities can be contrived, Photoshopped to a high sheen and generally awkward.
Here, then, are 15 of our favorite Las Vegas hotel photos that miss the mark by a mile.
1. The Lounge
Real people don’t look like this or laugh like this. We hope.

2. The Pool at New York-New York
Just a bunch of people hanging out at the pool, caught in the act, spontaneous-like.

3. The Pool at MGM
Who are these photos supposed to appeal to? Does anyone actually think they show real patrons, and if so, have they suffered a head injury recently?

4. M Life Moment
No casino has ever been this perfectly lit, and you will never, ever see people who look like this playings slots together.

5. Nine Fine Irishmen
This one just exudes reality! Assuming there’s a modeling convention in town.

6. Good Times at the New York-New York Pool
Pool photos, by their nature, seem to be serious culprits when it comes to B.S. advertising photos.

7. The Blackjack Table at The D
Granted, these players look a little less like models, but there’s still a lot of B.S. going on here. Why? One of the players stood on 10. Oops.

8. The Usual Crowd at MGM
Fakery never gets old. And by “never,” we mean, “always.”

9. The Suite
Somebody in this May-December romance is about to pop their cork at New York-New York. Or start a fire. By the way, these appear to be the same two people pretending to play slots earlier, so one can only imagine what’s going to be faked in their room.

10. Schmoozing at the Pool
There’s a slight chance not everyone in this MGM Grand photo is a model. The lifeguard, we’re thinking.

11. Outside The Mirage
This is all fun and games until you realize somebody thinks we’re really, really dumb.

12. Dinner on the Patio
People in these advertising photos always seem to have just heard a really funny joke.

13. Teppanyaki Restaurant
Another “on-the-fly” snapshot from from MGM Grand. Nothing sells a restaurant like flames and people of color. Just not too much color, of course.

14. Poolside Foreplay
We’re just hanging out at the pool. Having fun. With our fedora. And nobody else around. Except our Photoshop guy.

15. Stratosphere Pool
Thanks for joining the fun, Stratosphere. We just love you brightened and sharpened to perfection.

What can we do about these dopey, staged advertising photos from Las Vegas hotels? Well, we can tell them we think they’re dopey and staged. Many of these photos are shared on Facebook pages and Twitter, and other social media platforms. Let them know we’re not falling for the faux fun.
These embarrassing, artifice-filled photos are remnants of a bygone era, when customers just gobbled up whatever marketing and advertising departments churned out. They’re not just condescending, they’re bizarre.
We demand the real deal, not some glossy, manufactured B.S. version of reality. There’s a reason we trust our friends’ photos, and even those of strangers (and Las Vegas blogs) more than “official” hotel photos on the Web or in brochures.
Enough is enough.
See more stupid Las Vegas casino ads.
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