Cat, sorry sweetie, but I have not seen any women but White women attack Black men because they are Black. Black women, Asian women, Hispanic women, no other woman has the power to cause the death of Black people with a word, with an accusation. No one is saying that White women are the only ones who act ignorant at times, but there are some behaviors that are unique to White women. There are some behaviors that our purposeful. We don’t say “Black women’s tears, because the tears of a Black woman have no power. We say “White woman’s tears” because they know how powerful the stereotype is. Even at work, everyone starts running for the door when a White woman cries because she can get you fired.
History is filled with White women causing the deaths of Black men and some Black women. In 1951, Willa Jean Boswell tearfully recounted her fear when she saw Matt Ingram looking at her from across a field. He was sentenced to two years in jail for “reckless eyeballing.”