Planet Hollywood Sued Over Freaky Mannequin
Posted on: May 20, 2017, 10:00h.
Last updated on: May 20, 2017, 10:59h.
Caesars Entertainment’s Planet Hollywood is being sued by a jumpy guest who became frightened by a mannequin.

In one of the more unusual legal cases in the history of mankind, Kent Jacobs Boutwell, of Southern California, claims he entered his darkened room at Planet Hollywood only to see the silhouette of a shadowy figure, barely discernible in the gloom.? ? ?
Needless to say, Boutwell was spooked and quickly deduced it was an assailant waiting to do him some physical harm. But in the course of making his escape, he did himself some actual physical harm, and then some.
The unfortunate plaintiff suffered unspecified injuries to his “body, limbs, organs, mind and nervous systems, resulting in conditions that may be permanent and disabling,” while fleeing his non-sentient, largely fiberglass and plastic attacker.
The sinister figure turned out to be a promotional dummy dressed dressed in a “Miller Lite” racing suit, locked in a glass cabinet.
“I’ve got some experience handling hotel casino cases, but this was a certainly a new set of facts,” confessed Boutwell’s lawyer, Richard Johnson
The Dangers of Gambling: Three More Unusual Casino Lawsuits
Raining Chips
As a poker player, the idea of it raining chips in a casino sounds like a good night at the tables, but not if those chips happen to be encased in a large box, which has been accidentally dropped on your head by a ham-fisted casino employee.
That’s more like an extremely statistically unlikely bad beat. But such is the fate the befell Dianna Bellerose who damn-well sued the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel over the incident in 2015.
Red, Black or Blue?
Things really span out of control for roulette player Leander Stocks at the Maryland Live! Casino in December 2013 when a roulette ball was somehow propelled from the wheel, became airborne, and struck him just above the eye. Hard.
According to the ensuing lawsuit, to add injury to injury, casino staff then applied an unidentified liquid to his eye in an attempt to treat the swelling, but it caused “immediate blurred vision, increased pain and discomfort in the affected area, overwhelming disorientation and pronounced loss of physical coordination.” ? ?
His lawyers told them where they could stick that redundant exclamation point.
Check, Please
Also in 2013, Ohio gambler David Hayes sued the Hollywood Casino Columbus after he was robbed in his home of the $35,800 in cash he had won at the casino that night.
Hayes claimed he had asked for his winnings to paid by check but was ignored and instead paid in cash, while the cashier asked him to state clearly his address in earshot of other gamblers. Hours later, he was burglarized. He claimed negligence.
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